Saturday 13 August 2016

`the best days of my life

Childhood stories of famous people BY Scharada Dubey

Book Review

Hey guys this is my second book review, I hope you like it.

I issued this book from the Heritage schools library. The lexile is 1250. The book tells us about the life of many people. Who are they? Here is the list.

1.     Gautama Buddha

2.     Kabir

3.     Leonardo da Vinci

4.     Abraham Lincoln

5.     Swami Vivekananda

6.     Marie Curie

7.     Mahatma Gandhi

8.     Albert Einstein

9.     Helen Keller

10.                        Jawaharlal Nehru

11.                        Enid Blyton

12.                         J.R.D. Tata

13.                        Tenzing Norgay

14.                         M.F. Husain

15.                        Satyajit Ray

16.                        Che Guevara

17.                        Neil Armstrong

18.                        John Lennon

19.                        Pele

20.                        Steven Spielberg

21.                        Mark Spitz

22.                        Kapil Dev

23.                        J.K. Rowling

24.                        A.R. Rahman

25.                        Brian Lara

This is one of the most inspiring books I have read. Knowing the childhood stories of the names I have always heard changed how I think.

If you are a parent-

Giving this book to your child is definitely a good idea and a good source of motivation. Your child will know that every great person in history had some troubles and were still successful, The book will tell your child about the power of hard work.

If you are reading the book-

This book will make you want to start studying. It’s a great book. Plus point? It is about the childhood as I mentioned above. In case you guys are having trouble and think you cant do anything? Go and pick up this book. I know many of you don't read all these ultra-Knowledge filled books, I know (My mom bought me The Book of virtues for Boys and girls a few years back. Well I haven't even touched it yet. Maybe you can experiment a bit.

Plus point number 2 ! The book is divided into multiple stories so if your  teacher asks you to write a summary on it, You can skip that work. ( Do this at your own risk, I have not tried it.)
Honestly writing a summary of a book is the most boring part of my student life, Comment if you agree.

Well I hope you guys liked Review Number 2. Please leave feedback in the comments section. Incase you are looking for a review of a particular book. Ask Away. Mail me at  I can also recommend books ( Suppose you need to find out which book to gift your 11 year old niece) Keep Reading!



Saturday 23 July 2016


Thea Stilton and the secret of the old castle


I read this book a couple of years ago and decided to write the review if you want to read it. This book is a part of the Thea Stilton series by Elisabetta Dami. Basically these 5 friends {The Thea sisters} Nicky, Colette, Violet, Paulina and Pamela go on adventures all over the world.
In The Secret of the Old Castle the sisters head to Scotland to find their friend Bridget, who left for a clan reunion to decide the fate of the family castle but lost touch afterwards. On the quest they find out that they are to help Bridget with a family mystery about the will of Alistair Macmouse!
The story is well written with an interesting plot. So go and read it. There are interesting bits about Scottish culture given.

If you are a parent, the Thea Stilton series will cause your child to develop a passion for reading at a young age. The books are completely child friendly with no harmful language. One thing I always liked was how the sisters travel to various countries. 

Think otherwise? PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK in the comments to help me improve.
If you want the review of a particular book , Ask away! You can request in the comments section or email me at Thanks!    

Thursday 21 May 2015

the mind roundup

A young man slept on a lonely Maroon armchair in a large room. As the antique grandfather clock struck morning, our young man was woken by the sunlight streaming through the window. Justin Seben was dizzy and dazed. He didn't recognize a thing , not the room not the armchair, and definitely not the young maiden who just waked in . Rebeca wore a plain and simple white dress which came to her knees , her curly brown hair came till her neck. She said '' good morning Justin how are you?'' ''What is my name and where am I ?'' Rebeca sighed I'll be back in a moment and returned with a doctor at her feet, quickly pulling him a chair she launched into a full report as though she had spent months memorizing it . He has not recognized  anyone in a the family and does not no where he is. Well you can get him to the hospital tomorrow morning at 7:30 . The doctor got up and went. Well Justin take your, medicine ok and get to sleep. Rebeca poured out some transparent liquid into Justin's mouth . Almost immediately Justin fell into a deep sleep.

 Next morning he found himself in a different place it was dirty and  smelly like extreme opposite  of a comfortable room he was tied up by ropes . Ahh you're awake been watin for ya  now tell me where the  gold is . Now this was said by an extremely stinky man who had not bathed for five years running. Now you can imagine what this was like to a someone being transferred  like a doll from his comfy armchair and the maiden to a dusty place encountered  by a stinking man who was asking for some gold .yup that was going no flying over Justin's mind. I don't know what are you talking about. Well you nee some help in remembering huh angry and frustrated he hit Justin with a metal rod,   and said gong to try tomorrow also and walked off .

Whereas there was a good deal of commotion around the house the mother and sister were crying with some goofy aunts thinking that he had faked the memory loss and was now going to take his gold. This upset his sister very much . Police was swarming around the house like mad. But Justin was facing kicks , metal  rods , punches and much more. Now on the 5th day a crew member was hitting him with a metal rod when he gave a particularly sharp hit and at that moment  he felt his senses coming back . Now with his memory by his side he thought. At 11 pm Justin  was on his wok grabbing a plier he cut the rope  and hurriedly picked the lock with a pin upon being unsuccessful he got a rope tied one on the gate and the other side onto a car  . Cleverly he drove the car as long as he could . The door gave up the criminals were caught .